Radiosurgery or Surgery?

Radiosurgery or Surgery?

There is no need to be afraid of radiosurgery. Radiosurgery doesn’t involve cutting or drilling. In radiosurgery, tumor is eliminated by giving high-dose rays onto it. That’s why it’s called radiosurgery. During radiosurgery, the patient does not feel pain. The whole treatment gives results after only a couple of weeks, which is a much shorter…

What is the HPV Vaccine?

What is the HPV Vaccine?

What is the HPV Vaccine? The HPV vaccine is administered in two or three doses, depending on age, and provides protection against infections caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. By receiving this vaccine, the potential for infections to cause conditions like genital warts or cancer can also be prevented. What is HPV? HPV is a…

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

Physical Activity Physical activities are actions that cause muscles to move and expend more energy. Physical activity helps maintain weight, lowers the levels of fat-storing hormones like insulin, and strengthens the immune system. While early studies suggested that exercise was beneficial for breast, colon, and uterine cancers, recent findings indicate that physical activity is effective…

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening: Cancer screening refers to the detection of cancer through tests before any symptoms or complaints arise. Its main purpose is to reduce both the number of people who get cancer and those who die from it. Although the Ministry of Health conducts screenings for breast, cervical, and colon cancers, it’s worth noting that…

Genetic Screening

Genetic Screening

Genetik Tarama Öncelikle genel sağlık durumunuzu; kilonuzu, detoks kapasitenizi, kalp damar, kemik sağlığınızı, fiziksel ve ruhsal zindeliğinizi analizlerle ayrı ayrı belirliyor, bir sağlık haritası gibi masaya açıyoruz. Ardından yaşam şekliniz ve genetik geçmişiniz ile genel durumunuzun analizini yapıyoruz. Tüm bu bilgiler, hayat tarzınızın ve beslenmenizin ne şekilde devam etmesi gerektiğini gözlerimizin önüne seriyor. Kalıtımsal durumunuzu…

Skin Cancers

Skin Cancers

Skin Cancers Skin cancers are among the most common types of cancer, caused by the uncontrolled growth of skin cells. We can say that they are the most easily preventable but also the most neglected cancers. Apart from malignant melanoma, which is one of the most feared cancers, skin cancers generally have a good prognosis…