Author Archives: admin

Nutrigenetics, Nutrition Based on Genes

Do foods cause cancer? Yes. Do foods protect against cancer? Yes. Foods have different effects on different individuals. Due to genetic differences among us, while certain foods may benefit some, they may offer less benefit or even cause harm to others. Think about milk, caffeine, alcohol, honey, tahini! Do they have the same effect on […]

Physical Activity

Physical Activity Physical activities are actions that cause muscles to move and expend more energy. Physical activity helps maintain weight, lowers the levels of fat-storing hormones like insulin, and strengthens the immune system. While early studies suggested that exercise was beneficial for breast, colon, and uterine cancers, recent findings indicate that physical activity is effective […]

Genetic Screening

Genetik Tarama Öncelikle genel sağlık durumunuzu; kilonuzu, detoks kapasitenizi, kalp damar, kemik sağlığınızı, fiziksel ve ruhsal zindeliğinizi analizlerle ayrı ayrı belirliyor, bir sağlık haritası gibi masaya açıyoruz. Ardından yaşam şekliniz ve genetik geçmişiniz ile genel durumunuzun analizini yapıyoruz. Tüm bu bilgiler, hayat tarzınızın ve beslenmenizin ne şekilde devam etmesi gerektiğini gözlerimizin önüne seriyor. Kalıtımsal durumunuzu […]

Childhood Cancers

Childhood Cancers Childhood cancers constitute 2-4% of all cancers. Although they are much less common compared to adults, childhood cancer types differ from adult tumors in terms of response to treatment and the side effects that occur after treatments. The most common childhood cancers are leukemia and lymphomas. These are followed by brain tumors, neuroblastoma, […]

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